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About An

Octopus in the Alley

Revised Publication Date: September 2018

by The Servant's Song


7.5 in. x 7.5 in. Glossy Paperback, 32 pages

A childrens book from the "Gigi's Lap" book line


A story about the love of God.  Our main character is a toy octopus, Mr. Eight-Arms. While out with his owner, he suffers a terrible tragedy.  All his life he has been a happy and well-loved toy, but on this particularly cold, wintry day his owner, Billy, accidentally drops him.  Not realizing they left him, Billy and his mother went on their way. Poor Mr. Eight-Arms was left dirty and all alone. Find out more about what happens to him and what God’s word has to say about it.


$10.00 (+tax)

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